
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Freedmen of Garrett's Bluff, TX

 Where Are They Now?

      Examples of data that demonstrates a connection between two communities, Bluff, Indian Territory and Garrett’s Bluff, Texas. They are across from each other, separated by the Red River and from at least 1899 to 1901, Chickasaw and Choctaw Freedmen used Garrett’s Bluff, Texas or Bluff, Indian Territory as their post office. 

   One of the questions that needs to be answered, if possible, did the Choctaw and Chickasaw Freedmen reside in the geographical area known as Garrett’s Bluff, Texas before retreating to Indian Territory on their land allotments?


   Garrett’s Bluff, Texas Post Office operated under that name from 1873 to 1880. From 1881 to 1893, it was called Garrett’s. From 1893 to 1905, during the time of the Dawes Land Allotment process, the Post Office returned to using its original name of Garrett’s Bluff, that numerous Choctaw and Chickasaw Freedmen used when applying for their land allotments in 1899.


   There were at least thirty households using Garrett’s Bluff as their designated Post Office which was reachable from Indian Territory by a ferry operated by Jesse Garrett which the Post Office derived its name. 


   Garrett’s Bluff population may have may have reached its peak in 1890 at approximately two-hundred and fifty people, is there any evidence that the freedmen who used Garrett’s Post Office as their address were part of that population figure?


   Who were the local farmers that were shipping cotton and livestock around 1885? Could any of them be former slave owners in Indian Territory? 

 What is the story of this small town across the Red River, from Indian Territory that compelled so many people to use it as their address? What is the story of Garrett’s Bluff, and the Freedmen attached to it from approximately 1899 to 1902?


   According to the Texas State Historical Association, “in 1896 Garrett’s Bluff had a school with one teacher and 110 students.” Were any of the freedmen children attending school during that time and up through 1899? Are there any records that this information is based on to dismiss of confirm, freedmen were in Garrett’s Bluff during these three years?


   Where are the descendants of the families who listed their Post Office as Garrett’s Bluff, Texas in 1899? Did they blend in with their Choctaw and Chickasaw families? Did they disperse into the Gainesville, Texas population of former slaves of the United States? 

Who are their descendants?

Where are they now?

Freedmen of Garrett's Bluff, Texas Circa 1899?
  1. BUCKNER, Henry_CHOF#480
  2. COLBERT, Stephen_CHOF#1375
  3. COLE, Dora_CHOF#482
  4. DAVIS, Helen_CHOF#481
  5. FREEMAN, David_CHOF#493
  6. FREEMAN, Ed_CHOF#476
  7. FREEMAN, Will_CHOF#490
  8. GREEN, Cooper_CHOF#472
  9. HENDRICKS, Cynthia_CHOF#477
  10. HOLMAN, Davis_CHIF#1258
  11. HOLMAN, Harry_CHIF#1396
  12. JEFFERSON, Josephine_CHIF#1250
  13. JOHNSON, Andrew_CHIF#1480
  14. JOHNSON-MOORE, Louisa_CHOF#488
  15. JONES, Maria_CHOF#478
  16. LANE, Susan_CHIF#1397
  17. LEWIS, Caroline_CHIF#D-046
  18. LEWIS, Emma_CHOF#856
  19. LEWIS, Lee_CHOF#D26
  20. LEWIS, Lena_CHOF#479
  21. ROEBUCK, Adeline&WILSON,Sarah_CHOF#484
  22. ROEBUCK, Ben_CHOF#485
  23. ROEBUCK, Hannah_CHOF#486
  24. ROSE, Jeff_CHOF#1310
  25. TUCKER, Louisa_CHIF#1254
  26. WILLIAMS.Matilda_CHOF#473
  27. WILLIAMS, Simon_CHOF#506
  28. WILLIAMMS, Spencer_CHIF#1257
  29. WILSON, Louisa_CHOF#475
  30. WILLIAMS, Willie_CHIF#1256

Freedmen of Bluff, Indian Territory Circa 1899

  1. BUCKNER, Margaret_CHOF#1317
  2. DANGERFIELD, Rhoda_CHOF#1319
  3. EPPS, Winnie_CHOF#1321
  4. HAMPTON, Nancy_CHOF#1486
  5. JOHNSON, Amos_CHOF#1315
  6. LEWIS, Alice_CHOF#1350
  7. LEWIS, Elsie_CHOF#1484
  8. ROSE, Jeffie_CHOF#1316
  9. ROSE, Louisa_CHOF#1318
  10. WILSON, Minerva_CHOF#1485

Freedmen of Garrett's Bluff, TX

 Where Are They Now?        Examples of data that demonstrates a connection between two communities, Bluff, Indian Territory and Garrett’s B...